solicit votes ( synonym found)

Definition of solicit votes:

(n) : in many common law jurisdictions, such as England and Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, and Singapore, a type of lawyer whose traditional role is to offer legal services to clients apart from acting as their advocate in court. A solicitor instructs a barrister to act as an advocate for their client in court, although rights of audience for solicitors vary according to jurisdiction; in English Canada and in parts of Australia, a type of lawyer who historically held the same role as 1, but whose role has in modern times been merged with that of a barrister

Definition of solicit votes:

(n) : in many common law jurisdictions, such as England and Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, and Singapore, a type of lawyer whose traditional role is to offer legal services to clients apart from acting as their advocate in court. A solicitor instructs a barrister to act as an advocate for their client in court, although rights of audience for solicitors vary according to jurisdiction; in English Canada and in parts of Australia, a type of lawyer who historically held the same role as 1, but whose role has in modern times been merged with that of a barrister

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