cankle ( synonym found)

Definition of cankle:

°(slang pejorative) An obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear demarcation.
"2001 — Hey, all l'm saying is she's got cankles, for God's sake. What? Cankles! She's got no ankles. It's like the calf merged with the foot, cut out the middleman. — Shallow Hal"

Definition of cankle:

°(slang pejorative) An obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear demarcation.
"2001 — Hey, all l'm saying is she's got cankles, for God's sake. What? Cankles! She's got no ankles. It's like the calf merged with the foot, cut out the middleman. — Shallow Hal"

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