coregal ( synonym found)

Definition of coregal:

°An enclosure for livestock, especially a circular one.
"We had a small corral out back where we kept our pet llama."
°An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group.
"Please return the shopping carts to the corral."
°To capture or round up.
"The lawyer frantically tried to corral his notes as his briefcase fell open."
°To place inside of a corral.
"After we corralled the last steer, we headed off to the chuck wagon for dinner."

Definition of coregal:

°An enclosure for livestock, especially a circular one.
"We had a small corral out back where we kept our pet llama."
°An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group.
"Please return the shopping carts to the corral."
°To capture or round up.
"The lawyer frantically tried to corral his notes as his briefcase fell open."
°To place inside of a corral.
"After we corralled the last steer, we headed off to the chuck wagon for dinner."

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