light-years ( synonym found)

Definition of light-years:

(n) : a small, reusable, handheld device for creating fire; a flat-bottomed boat for carrying heavy loads across short distances (especially for canals or for loading or unloading larger boats)
"cigarette in mouth, he clutched his pockets in search of a lighter."
(v) : to transfer cargo or fuel off of a sunken or grounded ship, making it easier to refloat

Definition of light-years:

(n) : a small, reusable, handheld device for creating fire; a flat-bottomed boat for carrying heavy loads across short distances (especially for canals or for loading or unloading larger boats)
"cigarette in mouth, he clutched his pockets in search of a lighter."
(v) : to transfer cargo or fuel off of a sunken or grounded ship, making it easier to refloat

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