mile ( synonym found)

Definition of mile:

(n) : a unit of measure (length or distance) equal to 5,280 feet (8 furlongs) in the U.S.Customary/Imperial system of measurements. One mile is equal to 1.609344 km.; a Roman unit of measure equal to 1000 (double) steps (mille passus or mille passuum) or 5000 Roman feet (approx. 1480m)
"the runners competed in the mile."

Definition of mile:

(n) : a unit of measure (length or distance) equal to 5,280 feet (8 furlongs) in the U.S.Customary/Imperial system of measurements. One mile is equal to 1.609344 km.; a Roman unit of measure equal to 1000 (double) steps (mille passus or mille passuum) or 5000 Roman feet (approx. 1480m)
"the runners competed in the mile."

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