starring ( synonym found)

Definition of starring:

(adj) : of, relating to, or in the manner of a star
"charlton Heston had a starring role in Ben-Hur."
(v) : (with a film as its subject) That which has the specified actor or actors, especially those in lead roles, in its cast
"ben-Hur, starring Charlton Heston"
(n) : the action of the verb to star

Definition of starring:

(adj) : of, relating to, or in the manner of a star
"charlton Heston had a starring role in Ben-Hur."
(v) : (with a film as its subject) That which has the specified actor or actors, especially those in lead roles, in its cast
"ben-Hur, starring Charlton Heston"
(n) : the action of the verb to star

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