lect ( synonym found)

Definition of lect:

°To allow, not to prevent (+ infinitive, usually without ).
"''After he knocked for hours, I decided to let him come in."
°To allow the release of (a fluid).
"The physicians let about a pint of his blood, but to no avail."
°A hindrance.
°(tennis) The hindrance caused by the net during serve, only if the ball falls legally.

Definition of lect:

°To allow, not to prevent (+ infinitive, usually without ).
"''After he knocked for hours, I decided to let him come in."
°To allow the release of (a fluid).
"The physicians let about a pint of his blood, but to no avail."
°A hindrance.
°(tennis) The hindrance caused by the net during serve, only if the ball falls legally.

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