nerf ( synonym found)

Definition of nerf:

°(auto racing) To bump lightly, whether accidentally or purposefully.
"A racer will often nerf another as a psychological tactic."
°(slang) to water down, dumb down or especially weaken, particularly in the context of weapons in video games. (A term derived from the foam brand of toys, which are generally made safe for play. The term compares the subject to foam.).
"The lightning spell was pretty powerful before they nerfed it."

Definition of nerf:

°(auto racing) To bump lightly, whether accidentally or purposefully.
"A racer will often nerf another as a psychological tactic."
°(slang) to water down, dumb down or especially weaken, particularly in the context of weapons in video games. (A term derived from the foam brand of toys, which are generally made safe for play. The term compares the subject to foam.).
"The lightning spell was pretty powerful before they nerfed it."

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