queef ( synonym found)

Definition of queef:

°(vulgar slang) An emission of air from the vagina, especially when noisy.
"2004: Finally, I have only heard about it, but what about the queef? This is the vagina-fart. Is it truly possible? -- Michael Ryan, The Dirtiest Toilet Humor Book Ever (iUniverse 2004, p. 47)"
°To produce such an emission.
°To make the noise of (a thing) by means of queefs.

Definition of queef:

°(vulgar slang) An emission of air from the vagina, especially when noisy.
"2004: Finally, I have only heard about it, but what about the queef? This is the vagina-fart. Is it truly possible? -- Michael Ryan, The Dirtiest Toilet Humor Book Ever (iUniverse 2004, p. 47)"
°To produce such an emission.
°To make the noise of (a thing) by means of queefs.

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