smosh ( synonym found)

Definition of smosh:

°The sound of a violent impact.
"I could hear the screech of the brakes, then the horrible smash of cars colliding."
°(British colloquial) A traffic accident.
"The driver and two passengers were badly injured in the smash."
°To break (something brittle) violently.
"The demolition team smashed the buildings to rubble."
°To hit extremely hard.
"He smashed his head against the table"

Definition of smosh:

°The sound of a violent impact.
"I could hear the screech of the brakes, then the horrible smash of cars colliding."
°(British colloquial) A traffic accident.
"The driver and two passengers were badly injured in the smash."
°To break (something brittle) violently.
"The demolition team smashed the buildings to rubble."
°To hit extremely hard.
"He smashed his head against the table"

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