tassle ( synonym found)

Definition of tassle:

°A ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads from which at one end protrudes a cord on which the tassel is hung, and which may have loose, dangling threads at the other end. Tassels are normally decorative elements, and as such one often finds them attached, usually along the bottom hem, to garments, curtains or other hangings.
°The male inflorescence of maize, which consists of loose threads with anthers on them.
°to adorn with tassels.

Definition of tassle:

°A ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads from which at one end protrudes a cord on which the tassel is hung, and which may have loose, dangling threads at the other end. Tassels are normally decorative elements, and as such one often finds them attached, usually along the bottom hem, to garments, curtains or other hangings.
°The male inflorescence of maize, which consists of loose threads with anthers on them.
°to adorn with tassels.

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